Thursday, February 7, 2013

Why don't you join me?

Today I think that I will talk about the best plants to grow indoors. After you have read this, it would be cool if you all chose now of the plants that I list below and go out and buy one. Let me know what you chose and send me a picture. I can post the pictures in a few days so that everyone can see. 

The reason these plants are considered suitable for indoors is because they are low maintenance and hardy. They are all easy to care for in our busy lives and will improve the air quality of your home. There is a wide variety of suitable plants that can be grown indoors, but I am going to focus on eight of them.  The information below comes from TLC's website which I linked at the bottom. If you would like to see a much larger list of plants that will do well indoors check out this list of Suitable Plants for Indoor Gardening.
Good luck!
The Indoor Gardener

1. Jade plant, (also called Money Tree), is a beautiful succulent that requires very little water (it can go all together without agua for up to a month). It is tolerant of a little shade, but will do better if placed next to a window. If grown under particular conditions, Jade plant may produce small white or pink leaves.

2. Peace lily: winning the award for the most elegant, the Peace lily has white flowers with long, dark leaves, and does not require too much sun; yellowish leaves may indicate that the plant is receiving more sunlight than it needs. The plant may do best if placed within 6 to 8 feet of a window. If the leaves begin to droop, it may need more water; make sure the soil dries out between waterings.

3. African Violet: this striking plant is a popular houseplant, and is one of the easiest flowering-plants to maintain. When watering African Violet, suggests using a long-spouted watering can to get to the soil and avoid getting cold water on the flower petals. They also suggest using room-temperature or warmer water.

4. Philodendron have heart-shaped leaves and are hearty plants. They will do well next to a window, but they can withstand neglect and low levels of sunlight.

5. Zebra Plant: although the Zebra Plant probably would not do well in my cave-like bedroom, it's a beautiful plant if you have a good window to supply it with bright, indirect light. Mist the plant once or twice a week, and if the leaves start to droop, add a little more water.

6. Lucky Bamboo: according to Feng Shui, Lucky Bamboo brings peace, strength, and luck to the homes it inhabits. Additionally, it is one of the easiest plants to maintain! Change the water once every two weeks and leave in a place with medium exposure to indirect sunlight. If the leaves turn yellow or brown, it may be getting too much sun.

7. Cast iron plant can thrive in deep to moderate shade, and (hence the name) can last forever in seemingly adverse conditions. With its hearty reputation, this is the plant I will adopt in my bedroom.

8. Mother-in-law's Tongue converts CO2 at night (so it is suggested that it be placed in a bedroom), and removes toxins in the home. It prefers sun, but it is a very forgiving plant and will tolerate shade. Let the soil dry between waterings, and err on the side of underwatering.

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